Are Web Designers Taking Vintage Population for Granted?

Dec 29, 2013

Are Sites Being Built for Vintage Americans?If you think that some of the websites you’re visiting don’t fit your needs as a vintage American, you’re not alone.

A recent article in MediaPost noted that: “20% of the 55 and older group feel sites are designed for people their age.”

That’s a problem in and of itself – but web design that’s ignorant of seniors is simply lacking business savvy. This target audience is the one with the most purchasing power: Adults age 45 and older spend $1 trillion more each year than do younger adults, notes the article.

The author — Jim Gilmartin of the firm Coming of Age, Interactive Baby Boomer & Senior Marketing – calls for “larger, darker fonts, higher color contrast, simple design, relatable creative, storytelling, and consistent layout” to welcome vintage webs visitors.

But it’s more than that. Good web design – like good business and good interpersonal relations – includes recognition of the needs, wants and desires of the other person.

Are some of the websites you visit selling vintage Americans short?

— Sharon Emek, Ph.D.
Founder and CEO
Work At Home Vintage Experts (WAHVE)


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