Family Holiday Visits: Tips for Grandparents

Nov 17, 2014

GrandparentsThere is a Welsh saying: “Perfect love does not come along until the first grandchild.”

I find one of the great things about flexible work is taking extended visits to my grandchildren (and my children, too, of course). It gives that exciting, quality time that is only possible by being with the next generations.

Family dynamics and the ability to spend time together vary from family to family, and even from visit to visit. With Thanksgiving and then the Christmas and Hanukkah holidays upcoming, here are a few articles about family visits:

1. If you will be making a visit to your grandkids:

Ten Tips for Visits With Long-Distance Grandchildren

2. If you will be hosting grandkids and want things to do: Tips From a Grandparenting Handbook

3. If you won’t be with your grandkids:

AARP: Grandparents’ Holiday Survival Guide

From all of us at WAHVE: All the best to you and yours for the holidays.

— Sharon Emek, Ph.D.
Founder and CEO
Work At Home Vintage Experts (WAHVE)


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