‘Business of Aging’ March 23 Event in Washington
NEW YORK (March 11, 2016) – Sharon Emek, Ph.D., CIC, CEO and founder of Work At Home Vintage Experts (WAHVE), will speak at the 13th annual What’s Next Boomer Business Summit on March 23, 2016 in Washington, D.C.
WAHVE, formed in 2010, is an innovative talent solution that engages vintage professionals “phasing” into retirement who work from home on a contract basis for insurance retail brokers, wholesale brokers, managing general agents, and insurance carriers. Emek will serve as a panelist at the conference for the boomer and senior markets.
Emek will join the panel “Entrepreneurs on the Cusp of What’s Next,” a discussion among business visionaries who have created solutions in the boomer, senior and caregiving marketplaces. Other panelists are Jeff Zimman, chairman, Posit Science Corp., and Scott Collins, president and CEO, Link-age Connect. Having seen a pain point, found an idea, and solved a business or consumer need, these leaders will describe how to build a team, find an investment strategy and scale the business.
“Seizing the Opportunity of the Longevity Economy” is the theme of the 2016 summit, presented in partnership with Life Reimagined, a non-profit subsidiary of AARP. Experts like Emek will cover topics and trends relating to the longevity market for an audience of businesses and organizations focused on the baby boomer and senior markets.

Sharon Emek, Ph.D., CIC
Founder & CEO
Emek’s career includes work in insurance and academia. She was a partner at CBS Coverage Group, Inc., a regional full-service insurance agency based in New York City. Emek was founder and CEO of The Emek Group, an insurance agency she formed in 1988 that later merged with CBS. Before opening a management and insurance consulting firm in 1984, she was a professor at Rutgers University.
Emek is a prolific public speaker on insurance, management and women’s business issues. She is often sought by industry groups and the media as an expert, appearing on CNN, CNBC, CBS, and Lifetime; and is often quoted in numerous national insurance and news periodicals including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, National Underwriter, Business Insurance and others. Emek has testified before the New York State Assembly Insurance Committee, the U.S. House of Representatives’ Financial Services Committee Subcommittees and the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.
What’s Next Boomer Summit information: www.boomersummit.com.
About WAHVE: Work At Home Vintage Experts (WAHVE) is an unparalleled, remote contract staffing solution for the insurance industry. Using a groundbreaking work-at-home model, WAHVE contracts skilled vintage insurance professionals who have recently retired or are “phasing” into retirement to insurance firms on a dedicated basis, part-time or full-time to meet their staffing needs. By outsourcing jobs to WAHVE, insurance firms are able to benefit from these qualified, experienced, and technologically-savvy pre-retirees by significantly lowering costs and improving profitability.
WAHVE bridges the gap between insurance firms’ staffing needs and seasoned professionals’ “work-life” balance preferences as they phase into retirement.
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