Reversing the Great Retirement.

How can HR professionals provide a soft landing for employees considering retirement, or those affected by mergers, acquisitions, or restructuring? WAHVE has a solution. Help your employees transition into retirement as wahves – Work At Home Vintage Experts.

Becoming a wahve.

Research shows that those who continue to work after retirement will stay healthier, live longer and have greater financial freedom. WAHVE offers retiring professionals a fulfilling work-life balance while leveraging their years of industry experience.

Keep your retiring employees engaged in the industry

At a time when the insurance industry is losing employees faster than it can replace them, WAHVE keeps valuable talent in the workforce by helping HR professionals guide their transitioning staff to an alternative landing place.

Typically, when employees consider retirement, they don’t want to leave work completely. They simply want to retire from the office, with less responsibility, fewer hours, and greater flexibility. These employees want to phase into retirement. They want to pretire, not retire.

Help your staff pretire the WAHVE way.

WAHVE’s innovative contract staffing solution fills the gap for people who want to retire but still work. We match experienced retiring professionals in the insurance industry with work-from-home jobs at organizations nationwide.

Since our inception, we’ve provided a soft landing for retiring professionals in insurance, with over 4,000 placements in a wide variety of roles across all segments of the industry.

Why choose the WAHVE Pretirement program?

Because the program delivers value to both your human resources team and those employees considering the next phase of their work life.

For your human resources team, the program provides:

  • An alternative retirement conversation
  • The ability to offer a soft landing for retiring employees
  • Information about the WAHVE process
  • Presentations to your retiring staff

For your retiring staff, the program provides:

  • Flexibility in the type of work they can do as they transition into retirement
  • Security of continued income while working remotely
  • Flexible work arrangements based on their preferences
  • Ability to stay engaged applying their years of industry knowledge and experience

“WAHVE was the answer to my prayers. I wasn’t ready to stop working but wanted to work differently. It’s been wonderful. Fully retiring holds less of an appeal to me now.”

Judy Radachy

Guide your retiring professionals to a soft landing.

WAHVE offers information and resources that help HR departments assist employees on the verge of retirement or those affected by mergers, acquisitions, or restructuring. We offer Q&A sessions, group webinars, supporting literature and application assistance to make the process transparent and simple to navigate.

    Explore WAHVE’s pretirement program

    The WAHVE pretirement program does not require a corporate contract or fee, nor does the program compete with any retention programs you may offer your employees. We become involved when you ask us to – not before.

    Let’s talk about how Pretire the WAHVE Way can enhance your retirement conversations.

      Download our guides to incorporate into your conversations.

      Retire the WAHVE Way for HR

      A program for HR to help experienced insurance professionals transition into retirement.

      Facilitate Positive Employee Transitions

      A program to help employees find new opportunities during company restructuring.

      Phase into Retirement

      How experienced insurance professionals can extend their careers working from home.

      Experience the difference of working with WAHVE

      Ready to get started? Share a bit of information with us and we'll get back to you.