Reversing the Great Retirement

May 9, 2024

The numbers are surprising – of all the workers who retired during the Covid-19 pandemic, a surprising 68 percent would consider returning to work, according to a CNBC All-America Workforce survey. Even more surprising, 94 percent of those who left the workforce without retiring would also reconsider that decision.

The fastest-growing labor segment

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals that 27 percent of today’s job seekers are people aged 65 to 74. More surprising is that this is the fastest-growing workforce segment.

Yet many of these same workers struggle to convince companies to hire them. And much of this is because of inherent biases.

Dispelling the myths about older workers

Older job seekers face an atmosphere of ageism and misperceptions. A recent study by AARP reveals that two-thirds of adults over 50 believe that older workers do face ageism in the workplace, and 90 percent believe it is commonplace[1].

Why is ageism so prevalent? Many hiring managers assume that veteran workers are:

  • Expensive
  • Too old to learn
  • Less productive than younger workers
  • Unable to adapt to change or new technology

All of which are myths[2],[3]. Studies show that retired workers are:

  • Tech-savvy
  • Eager to pick up new skills and knowledge
  • More focused and productive than many of their younger colleagues
  • Able to bring a lifetime of knowledge and skills to the job

Top 4 tactics for veteran job seekers

We at WAHVE know that many veteran workers are looking for a second career where they can contribute without necessarily being in the same high-level position they left.

Fortunately, if you are part of this demographic, there are four things you can do to appeal to hiring managers.

  1. Rethink your approach. Revamp your resume. Remove graduation dates and others that would age you. Highlight all the skills you’ve achieved over your career. Include leadership roles, mentoring, and instances where you helped transform departments or usher them through disruption. Focus on skills that relate directly to the position you’re applying for.
  2. Stay current on technology. Take workshops and courses in new technologies. Become familiar with popular social media tools. List relevant technology competencies on your resume.
  3. Remind hiring managers of the benefits of hiring you. Age diversity is a big plus for companies. Yet many organizations haven’t realized how much a more diverse workforce brings. You don’t just bring your knowledge to the job, but also your network, soft skills, mentoring abilities, and problem-solving.
  4. Consider a remote position. Working from home offers the flexibility to set your own hours while putting your experience to work. Your skills are in great demand, so why not supplement your insurance income while staying engaged in the industry?

Ageism exists. And while you cannot erase it entirely, you can use these approaches to level the playing field and give hiring managers a reason to hire you.

At WAHVE, we help experienced insurance industry professionals apply their knowledge in work-from-home positions. We match candidates to jobs that fit their skills and desired work schedules. We also match a candidate’s personality with a company’s culture to ensure a successful working relationship.

Want to learn more? Whether you need the right candidate to fill a position or you’re an industry veteran looking for a new opportunity, let’s talk. Contact us.

[1] Older workers see rampant age discrimination in the office (




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