10 Insights About Boomers? There’s Only One That Matters

Jul 28, 2014

BoomersThis year marks a watershed moment: The last of the boomers born 1946-64 are turning 50 years old, marking a milestone in their lifelong march as a generation of distinction for reinventing just about everything in American culture, work and life.

Boomers are a much-analyzed and “marketed to” generation, too. A marketing website article “10 Insights for Connecting With This Generation” caught my attention. After noting nine characteristics of boomers, it went on to state how contradictory they are: “Boomers are sometimes characterized as selfish and selfless, penurious and profligate, spontaneous and deliberate, and so on.”

For me, the smart money is on looking at trends of groups of people, but treating each person with the respect she or he deserves individually. Such an approach serves well in sales, service and of course in everyday life.

What story or experience would you share that shows how diverse boomers are?

— Sharon Emek, Ph.D.
Founder and CEO
Work At Home Vintage Experts (WAHVE)


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